Experience Organization
Humanity's repeating patterns of personal and global strife are not just a repetition of events,
but instead are the product of the underlying patterns of Experience Organization. These experiential patterns signal
deep systemic issues in how experiences are organized, indicating the need for a global shift from solving specific
conflicts to solving for the deeper Organizations of Experience that produce them.
Experience Reoccurrence
Individuals groups, organziations, and societies repeatedly encounter similar struggles that do not primarily originate
in their material circumstances or cultural frames-of-reference, but instead are the product of a universally shared
library of repetitive Experience Organizations. Personal and global transformation must be addressed at the experiential
Experience Predominance
The recognition that the current frameworks for personal and global transformation are sitting on top of a more fundamental
layer of Experience Organization, gives us a superior position from which to move the levers of our reality. Experience
Organization provides us with an unprecedented opportunity to influence the experiential matrix from which our outdated
solutions are produced and their repetitions maintained.