Learn how the stories you tell yourself
make or break your life.

July 21st
| 10:00 - 10:30 AM PST |
| 6:00 - 6:30 PM CET | 2024

Transcending the Narrative

It is not what others tell you that has the power, it is what you tell yourself!

Feel that you understand yourself better.
Feel that you understand the world better.
Learn how you hold yourself back from your potential.
Learn out how to argue less and communicate more.

Practical answers you can use immediately
to improve the quality of your life and relationships.

Take my understanding of Self-Talk to a new level.

Letter from Morgan:

To all Interested in having a better life,

We all have a secret voice that only we can hear. Many of us talk to ourselves almost non-stop. We make ourselves laugh and cry and sometimes even feel crazy! We are so used to this voice we rarely notice.

The problem is this voice is the most influential voice in our lives!

What we tell our selves is a hundred times more powerful than what others tell us. We always have the last word.

We are always making the final secret comment to approve or dismiss everything we hear.

This because this secret voice is the gate keeper for what we accept or reject in our lives, it occupies a central position in what we beleive and how we see others and the world. Our secret voice is the narrator of our life story.

If your secret voice doesn't approve, no matter what people say you will reject it.

30 Years Experience
working with people

" I have just taken Morgan's workshop and it was absolutely wonderful."
Lyn Gordon, Director of Religious Studies for Immaculate Conception Church Archdiocese of New Orleans

Presentations in 17 countries

"Morgan is one of the most talented trainers I have ever witnessed. "
Sally Cojean MA, Psychotherapist, Paris France