Programs for the Exploration of Experience

The GET Institute for the Study of Experience Organization is now online with a global vision to expand public awareness, empower people, and train organizational leaders to be more conscious of how experience is organized. The study of Experience Organization has the potential to revolutionize how individuals and groups experience and construct their world.



Next free online event:

House of Mirrors

July 21st
| 10:00 - 10:30 AM PST |
| 6:00 - 6:30 PM CET | 2024

Join us for an in-depth exploration of what you experience outside as a mirror of what you experience inside. The world you experience is the world you are.

Take my understanding of Self-Talk to a new level.

The GET INSTITUE is a learning center for the ongoing development of Experience Organization Practice & Theory (EOPT), where participants discover how they organize their experience and, in turn, what new or old realities are created for themselves and the people around them. Instead of feeling constrained by their surroundings, Experience Organization Practitioners become conscious of how their every thought and action creates their sense of reality and what is possible in the world. EOP empowers individuals and organizations to take responsibility for their experience, both individually and collectively.

Building Blocks of Experience Organization Practice & Theory

Experience Organization
Humanity's repeating patterns of personal and global strife are not just a repetition of events, but instead are the product of the underlying patterns of Experience Organization. These experiential patterns signal deep systemic issues in how experiences are organized, indicating the need for a global shift from solving specific conflicts to solving for the deeper Organizations of Experience that produce them.
Experience Reoccurrence
Individuals groups, organziations, and societies repeatedly encounter similar struggles that do not primarily originate in their material circumstances or cultural frames-of-reference, but instead are the product of a universally shared library of repetitive Experience Organizations. Personal and global transformation must be addressed at the experiential level.
Experience Predominance
The recognition that the current frameworks for personal and global transformation are sitting on top of a more fundamental layer of Experience Organization, gives us a superior position from which to move the levers of our reality. Experience Organization provides us with an unprecedented opportunity to influence the experiential matrix from which our outdated solutions are produced and their repetitions maintained.

Experience Adaptation
The ability to adapt our Experience Organization to meet our current collective needs is essential to living a healthy and fulfilling life. We must develop the skills to use our awareness in such a way to illuminate paths forward that reveal and give rise to optimal states of humanness. Oppositional and destructive Experience Organizations must be replaced with experiences that highlight our common shared humanity and interdependent needs.
Experience Engineering
Possessing the power to consciously choose our patterns of Experience Organization provides us with access to a whole new practice of Experience Engineering, in which experience itself can be structured and adapted to the specific challenges of humanity. For the first time in history, experience itself will become the medium of human evolution.
Experience Creation
The ability to adapt and engineer our experiences for more optimal states at the local level will give rise to the collective ability to create shared experiences at the global level. Experience Creations such as a global sense of belonging, trust, mutual respect and cooperation, will become possible. Synergetic collaborations across the globe will usher in a new era of rapid human advancement.
Our current global system is locked into a mutually reinforcing grid of outdated patterns of attention that keep showing us the same data points and keep pointing toward the same outdated responses.
Well intended organizations and their leadership are trapped in an experiential loop recycling the wrong questions and finding the wrong answers.
Individuals, groups, and organizations must shift their attention to the foundational layer of Experience Organization to make a quantum leap in their current outcomes.

Institute Welcome Video

What fuels humanity endlessly repeating the same mistakes?


The Organization of Experience

June 8 & 9
Mill Valley CA 94965