"The fundamental challenge for humanity
is the collapsing of consciousness into habitual constellations of attention that produce undesired or toxic worlds."

Morgan Goodlander

Morgan Goodlander is the founder of Experience Organization Practice & Theory (EOPT), GET Community & GET INSTITUTE. He is active as a speaker, workshop leader and consultant in the area of personal and organizational development in the United States, Europe and Asia. He works through the GET INSTITUTE for the study of Experience Organization, where he teaches Experience Organization Practice and provides workshops and leadership programs for individuals and organizations interested in aligning toward their greatest personal and professional fulfillment. He is known for his humor and evoking life-changing moments in the people and groups that engage him. His experience also includes 25 years as Director of the Gestalt Institute of San Francisco and 3 years as co-director of Gestalt Training at world renowned Esalen Institute.
He has presented seminars and trainings in 17 countries.