Modules 2024

Experience Organization

Each and every moment we are organizing our experience internally and externally. For the uninitiated, this process is occurring unnoticed. However, with a few hours of training you can begin to learn... find out more

House of Mirrors

The world we see around us is not an objective reality, but rather a projective construction of our making. We don't see the world as it is; we see the world as we are. This fundamental truth is one of the most empowering realizations we can have.

Consciousness Realization

Experience Organization is a secondary phenomenon occurring within our larger basket of consciousness. It is only from consciousness that experience can arise and disappear. The realization of consciousness as our source gives us an immovable platform from which to construct our lives.

Trusting Process

For those of us that follow paths less taken, life is an unfolding mystery. We live in a state of exploration and discovery. We must leave behind the safety of conventional answers and learn to trust our process.

The Fabric of Reality

Join us for an experiential deep dive into the nature of our reality moment-to-moment. Discover how you construct your world for yourself and others, one instant to the next. Learn how to center yourself in consciousness and give rise to a world in which you want to belong.

Speaking Truth

The truth has tremendous power to shift experience into stronger more aligned configurations and to restore health to dysfunctional people and toxic systems. Without the ability to speak the truth we become cut off from the energetic flow of life.

Being Present

The inability to be present and the disconnection it promotes, is a major cause of poor performance, apathy and depresssion. The tendency to escape into the past or future is common as people lose their ability to connect with themselves and the world around them.

The Dance of Life

Life is in continuous flux. Things rarely go perfectly as planned and our ability to be flexible and responsive to life challenges is essential for our health and well being. Learn how to make your life more like a dance than a march.

The Power of Authenticity

We have all felt like impostors at one time or another. Wondering if we were the real deal or just putting on a show for loved ones, colleuages, or even own own egos! Nonetheless, few states of being are more powerful than when we find our own authentic experience. This weekend learn to tap into your authentic power.

The Wisdom of the Moment

Many times we find ourselves wondering what to do? Often our attempts to solve problems leave us more in our heads and confused than present and confident. In those moments the thinking process just makes us more disoriented. What if every moment contained an answer if we were just able to be aware enough.

Transforming the Self & Transforming the World

Indeed this world is a "House of Mirrors" where we are caught in the repetitions of our own experiential constructions. However, if we learn to work together toward greater awareness and expanded consciousness...

Being Real

It is so easy, and yet so terrible to live a life of pretense and manipulation. We pay a high Price for our inability to simply be in the world as we are. We have to constantly remember how we appeared to whom, and how to keep up the illusion. It is exhausting. Learn how to drop the act and let your real self out of the cage.

Transcending the Narrative

We are all telling ourselves stories all the time. THe little voice in our heads constantly comments on our experience shaping and selecting what we see and believe. The only problem is that this voice is often saying things that lead us in unproductive action and false beliefs.

Being Conscious

Realizing the nature of our consciousness and holding that conscious state is one of the most important discoveries we can make. Awareness itself is not enough as awareness fluxuates and often collapses our being into a series of actions that are limited by the narrow scope of their focus. We get caught in the expereince rather than freed by it.

Discover Your Somatext

Many of us are aware of our stories and life narratives, but there is another kind of text that lives in our bodies and minds. This is our Somatext. It is the collection of word groups that seem to be embedded in our nervous systems and have a particularly strong power.

Being At Cause

We have all felt like victims at one time or another. We all understand the feeling of being treated unfairly, abused, opprressed, or ignored. Surely these things do on occasion actually happen; nonetheless, we have to ask ourselves how we particpate and how we can recover the power to be the cuase of ourselves.

Discover Your MetaBody

Our actual experience in our physical bodies cooresponds to a very small portion of about 5%. Nonetheless, we still have the sensation of being embodied. This sensation represents the Metabody or what some refer to as the Energy Body. Join us to discover your Metabody.

Shape Shifting

Learning and evolving are most often placed into linear frames where timelines and teleology unfold in a serise of cause and effect developments. What if change is not linear and can be accessed much faster and more efectively through radical reconfigurations.

The Organizing Principle

All experience is organized even when the organization is said to be chaotic. Randomness is the pattern of not having a pattern, until the pattern appears. Once an experience occurs, it always has relationship. Learn to discover the Organizing Principle.

Conscious Self Regulation (CSR)

Self-Regulation is often thought of as in the domain of cognitive thought process. However, while thought processes themselves are indeed alterable and important parts of self-regulation we need a higher level platform to establish lasting balance.

The Constellation of Experience

The universe is by nature and relational matrix. Everything is related to everyting else. When we have an experience it always arises within constellation of relations. The constellation of relations can be identified, altered, and reconfigured.

Creative Reorganization

The configuration of one thing to the next, forms the set of possible relations between the two. Relationship itself can be thougth of as two harmonic configurations. Our ability to make it through the world is dependent on our ability to creatively reorganize our experiences to match and complement challenges.

Experience Rejection

Experience Rejection At the core of all of our difficulties is some form of experience rejection. When we dont accept an experience we create opposition in our environments and conflict our lives. We rob ourlseves of being able to creatively respond.

Experience Revisioning

Seeing things differently is an active form of experience revisioning and a core ability in life. Without Expereince Revisioning we would all be stuck in endless conflicts and burden with yesterdays answers to todays problems.